I recently heard about the 75 Day Hard Challenge. I liked the idea of challenging myself mentally and physically by completing a daily checklist. I played around with the 75 Day Hard Challenge checklist for a few days and I quickly realized it isn’t for me. Drinking a gallon of water a day was like drowning for me. If I wasn’t drinking water, I was using the bathroom. I couldn’t get anything done. I couldn’t even drive across town without needing to stop for a bathroom.
However, so much of it sounded great for me, so I am creating my own 30 day challenge! So here we go. My goal is to do these 5 things every single day for 30 days straight.
1. Workout everyday (30 min. minimum)
During these 30 days, I will do a workout of at least 30 minutes every single day. However, one day a week will be a recovery workout like yoga or walking. Most of these workouts will be weight training. I am currently doing Caroline Girvan’s IRON Series.
2. WALK EVERDAY (30 min. Minimum)
I will be taking a walk everyday for at least 30 minutes. These 30 minutes can be divided into shorter walks, if needed. My dog needs walks, so this will help tire Ruby girl out too! These walks will be OUTDOORS!
3. Read my bible Everyday
I will make time to read my bible every single day. I am not setting a page # requirement, but just follow my Bible Recap reading plan.
4. Limit Social Media (30 min. MAX LIMIT)
I am setting a time limit on my social media usage. I will allow myself 30 minutes to spend on social media each day. I am hopeful that a 30 minute time limit will help me use social media more intentionally, and it will limit my “scrolling.”
5. Meal Plan
I will only eat what I “plan” to eat. No impromptu snacking. I want to be more intentional about what I am eating. I want to take time to plan out what I will eat for each meal and snacks. I want to measure out my snacks and not snack blindly.
I am not trying to lose weight. I’d like to get stronger mentally and physically- that is my goal. For the next 4-5 weeks, I will update you on how my challenge is going.
START DATE: Tuesday, July 11th
END DATE: Wednesday, August 9th
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