What’s Up wednesday: May 2024

Enjoy the “what’s” that are going on in the Miller family as of late. 

Today is Martin and I’s 14th wedding anniversary! We will be at the ball fields watching baseball, so romantic. 14 years married, 20 years together. It has flown by. The confidence that I have in that man is second only to my faith. He is such a stud, in all ways.  Can’t wait to spend another 20 years together, then another 20 years together, and maybe another 20 after that. Enjoy some wedding pictures!

My new workout program I started a couple weeks ago! Sydney Cummings’ Summertime Fine 2024! This program should get me through the entire summer. If you workout from home, you need to check her channel out. She is amazing.

Baseball. Go Ducks! Go Red Sox! Go #24! Go #22!

In May I read through Deuteronomy and most of Joshua. I have been reading about Moses’ last moments as the leader of the Israelites. They are on the brink of the promised land. God appoints Joshua to take over as Moses dies. The Israelites have finally crossed over into the promised land. 

Joshua repeatedly gets told by God to be “strong and courageous.” Those are two words that I would like to describe myself as, so I have really leaned into how Joshua does it, being strong and courageous. What I learned was that every time God gave that command, He follows it with the promise that He’ll be with Joshua. LIGHTBULB moment! We don’t have to muster up strength and courage out of thin air. True strength and courage is being mindful that God is with us. He is before us and after. 

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9

My summer wardrobe is simple. I wear the same thing every single day, essentially. I wear running shorts/skorts with a tank top. And that is about it, I’m not kidding. I am who I am. And I am a sporty girl.

My favorite Target Shorts

My favorite Skort

My favorite Tank

My other favorite tank

We are heading up to KC for Benny’s first ever out of town baseball tournament. Can’t wait to spend the weekend with my Red Sox family. Honestly, we have the greatest coaches, boys, and families. Love hanging out with them.

June is filled with camps, swimming, and baseball. I will be a taxi driver most days. My kids are going to be in phenomenal shape. Also, I hope to keep blog posts coming. 

Wyler’s Italian Ices are the BEST popsicles! You have to get some this summer. So much better than normal ice pops.

And that is it for this month’s What’s Up Wednesday! If you missed last month’s, you can find it here.

Come back tomorrow for another blog post!!

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