I haven’t done a What’s Up post since December 18th. It seems like forever ago. I love writing these posts. I hope you enjoy reading them and learning about all the “whats” in my life.
I am in the middle of listening to The Fourth Wing. I know, I am a little behind. I am about a third of the way through and I am enjoying it. It’s like Harry Potter meets Hunger Games meets How to Train Your Dragon meets Game of Thrones.
We have basketball games for Baker and Madley. And we have two birthday parties to attend.
I worked hard on this post. I hope that it helped someone create a wellness routine that is UNIQUE to them.
I am obsessed. I broke down and bought this two piece tracksuit. It is incredible! I loved the top in particular, so I then went and bought just the top in TWO other colors.
During my lifts and walks in the garage, I have been putting on Friends! I just finished season 4. It is getting so good!
It’s that time of year again! Another season of The Bachelor.
I am the room parent for Baker’s class, so I am currently planning the Valentine’s Day Party! I am considering thinking outside the box and do SCIENCE experiments as the party. Taylor Swift says it best, “who are we to fight the alchemy?” I’ll keep you posted.
I have been sticking to my 12 week strength training program and tracking my food. Yay for me! I am 4 weeks in and still going strong.
I am about to wrap up the four gospels. You guys. The Pharisees are the worst! They think their ways are the best. They are so consumed with being perfect that they can’t see past their own nose, let alone see that Jesus Christ is right there. Jesus was with God when God made these “rules” that the Pharisees say Jesus is not following. HE CREATED THE UNIVERSE, yet they accuse him of breaking rules and not following the Jewish law. It is infuriating.
But, sadly, I have so much in common with the stupid Pharisees. How many times have I leaned on my own self righteousness? I am so nice to so many people. I write nice words on a blog. I often start feeling pretty proud of myself, thinking “I am so good, I’ve got this figured out.” WRONG.
Sharing so much about my life, I am CONSTANTLY checking myself. Am I sharing all these things on the blog to make myself look good? Am I really a good person or do I just want people to think that? Is this blog post written to help inspire others or bring glory to myself? It is a constant battle that I pray about DAILY.
Jesus is teaching me that His kingdom is an upside down one. Whoever is the least, will be first. Jesus doesn’t want our polished perfect life, He wants my heart. He wants me to bear fruit. He wants me to be the same person that blogs as the person behind closed doors, when I am interacting with my kids or husband, when I am dealing with difficult people. The gospels are incredible. They change you though. You can’t help but see yourself in both the disciples and the Pharisees. We need Jesus. I need Jesus. Thank you, God, for giving us Jesus.
I already shared about my great Amazon find above, so I will share something else that I have been wearing. And that would be my Beyond Yoga pants and this dupe Beyond Yoga top! So buttery soft and so flattering. It makes your legs so smooth with just the right amount of compression.
The Chiefs are in the Super Bowl! Let’s GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Have a great day, y’all!! Come back tomorrow!
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Hmmmmm, Science experiments sound fun!
have some friends cheering the chiefs on as well. It is proving to be a good game.
Sounds like you have a busy but fun weekend!