Wednesday Wellness: May 10- June 10 Fitness Stats

On Wednesday Wellness today, I am going to share my fitness stats for the last month. I am hoping this will be empowering for me to see. When I reflect on my workouts or activity levels, I usually compare myself to my fitness friends or think about how I could have done better. My goal with a post like this is to be proud of myself for moving my body and getting stronger. And hopefully inspire others to do the same!


“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20


I want exercise to be an offering of thanksgiving to God. 


May 10- June 10 Fitness Stats


Total Minutes of Exercise: 2,142 minutes 


Total Steps: 429,873 steps


Total Miles Walked: 197.73 miles


Runs Completed: 9


Weight Training Workouts Completed: 18



I am proud of myself. Working out is a must for my mental health, especially an early morning session. If you have been feeling a little down or blue lately, try an early morning walk. It can be life changing.


I’m excited to see my stats for next month.


I’ll be back on the blog tomorrow with another TOP 10 post. See you then!


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1 thought on “Wednesday Wellness: May 10- June 10 Fitness Stats”

  1. Pingback: Wednesday Wellness: June 11- July 11 Fitness Stats – Kari Miller Blog

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