Wednesday Wellness: June 11- July 11 Fitness Stats

Hard to believe, but it has been a full month since the last time I posted my fitness stats for May 10-June 10. So today, I will be sharing my stats for June 11- July 11. 

A couple vacations and some baseball tournaments were sprinkled throughout this past month. My stats were very similar, but slightly behind the previous month. That’s fine and all, except I am pretty competitive and it is not fine. So- be ready to come back in August to read about some BIG(ger) numbers!!

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I want exercise to be an offering of thanksgiving to God. 

June 11- July 11 Fitness Stats

Total Minutes of Exercise: 2,049 minutes

Total Steps: 406,614 steps

Total Miles Walked: 183.75 miles

Runs Completed: 8

Weight Training Workouts Completed: 14

I will say, keeping track of all this exercise data has motivated me greatly! It is fun to add up all the numbers and be proud of myself all over again! 

If you are currently lacking motivation to get moving- start a friendly competition with yourself or a friend. See if you can get more steps this week than you did last week! I am getting pumped just typing… 🙂

Your body is precious- please take care of it and love it!

See you tomorrow, friends!! 

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