Top Ten Roadtrip snacks

The Miller family just returned from a road trip yesterday, so road trip snacks are very fresh in my mind! Here is a list of our TOP 10 Road Trip Snacks!

10. Goldfish

Goldfish are a staple. They are yummy and easy. They are a great snack when uneasy stomachs happen. Gotta have ’em!

9. pretzels

Speaking of uneasy stomachs. Pretzels are another great bland snack that prevents car sickness. I usually buy these- because they are more fun to munch on and kill time.

8. Twizzlers

This candy just tastes better in the car, I can’t explain why, but IYKYK. They are great for parents trying to stay awake by slowly eating one at a time. Be careful, I  can get queasy when I eat too many of these. There is fine line I too often cross…

7. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are a great snack for staying awake and alert while driving. It takes forever to eat them and you don’t feel overly full and disgusting afterwards. One bag goes a LONG WAY! 

6. Popcorner Chips

Sometimes you just need a crunch. Popcorner Chips are my go-to crunchy snack. They are much lighter and airier than regular chips, but they still taste great. There are tons of flavors. My favorite is kettle. It is sweet and salty.

5. Nerd Clusters

Okay- These are new to me. I picked them up at a gas station because I just really wanted something sweet. These did not disappoint. Gummy snacks make my stomach hurt on car rides, and hard candy is hard on my teeth. Nerd Clusters is not really either of those or they are the perfect combo of BOTH… I am unsure. But they are so yummy and hit the sweet tooth spot. 

4. Beef Jerky

I only eat beef jerky on road trips. But man, it is YUMMY. I love this brand. Tip: Order it ahead of time on Amazon and it will save you lots of money!

3. Nuts

Martin and I always grab a bag of almonds or pistachios at every gas station we stop at. We always share the bag. It is a “healthier” option that always tastes good. It is also fun to try new seasoning flavors this way… which leads me to #2…

2. Mints/Gum

You eat weird assortment of snacks on a road trip. It is always smart to have a pack of mints/gum in case the taste in your mouth is overwhelming in a not so fun way. Those salt and vinegar almonds don’t need to stay with us forever.

1. Gardettos and M&Ms

Gardetto's Original Recipe Snack Mix (40 oz.) - Sam's ClubM&M's Milk Chocolate Candies | Candy District

There is no greater road trip snack then these two items mixed together! I invented this decades ago and never looked back. Just dump a king size bag of plain m&m’s into a bag of Gardettos and you have the ultimate sweet and salty snack. You’re welcome in advance.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s Top Ten post. Come back again tomorrow for another Friday Favorites! 

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