Top Ten: Fourth of July

The Miller family recently had a big conversation about the 10 best things about the Fourth of July! We concluded that we love it. Let’s get to it!

#1 Lightning Bugs

It is about this time every year that the lightning bugs are out in full force! There is something so magical about catching lightning bugs at dusk before the fireworks start!

#2 Pool Party

Fourth of July means there is basically an all day pool party. You may start swimming in the morning, jump in after lunch, and maybe again before dinner. 

#3 Fireworks

This one speaks for itself. The Miller boys love day time fireworks and night fireworks. It is kind of like the all day pool party, we also do fireworks all day.

#4 Festive Attire

Martin’s mom always provides festive attire for the adults and kids. Tie Dye shirts to necklaces to headbands! The Miller family is always decked out on the Fourth!

#5 Food

C’mon- The Fourth of July is an all day party, so that means food is out all day! Usually starts with a yummy breakfast casserole, then changes to help-yourself lunch buffet, all the yummy snack foods, and usually ends with a great dinner with family! Food always brings everyone together!

#6 Desserts

This is basically the same as #5, but dessert deserves its own number. Smores? Yes please! Fruit Salad? You know it! Festive cookies laying around? Why not! Ice Cream with all the toppings? Sure!

#7 Family Time

Our family has grown a little since 2012! So thankful for family fun time!

#8 Low Maintenance Holiday

This is one I came up with! Home decor is minimal if any. No gifts to purchase, no fancy clothes, no formal dinners, nowhere to be. Just hanging out and having casual fun. It is the best.

#9 Mexico, MO

All three kids would put this as #1. The Miller family celebrates the Fourth all together at Aunt Leslie and Uncle Larry’s place in Mexico, MO. Leslie and Larry are the best hosts and spoil the Miller kids rotten! It really is just the best time!

#10 USA

So thankful to be an American! We love our country and appreciate all the people who protect and serve our country! Also, 2024 is an Olympic year. We are going to keep the RED, WHITE, and BLUE pride up for the next couple months this year!

I hope everyone has a safe and festive Fourth! See you tomorrow!

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