Top 5/Bottom 5 Habits I Have

I have some really great habits that I am super proud of. I am going to be sharing five of those. I also have some habits that I hate having. I promised to keep this blog real, so I will be sharing those too.

Enough of the chit chat, let’s get to the good stuff.

Working Out

I love a good workout. I don’t do crazy workouts, but I like to close my rings on 95% of my days. It is such a habit, that I feel so “off” when I don’t get some movement in.

Waking Up Early

I enjoy waking up early. I wasn’t always a morning workout person. Having kids turned me into one. I enjoy waking up before everyone. Often, I wake up with headaches if I sleep in. I think it is my body freaking out that it is not up and moving like normal.


I am OCD about my teeth. After having Invisalign in my 20’s, I became obsessed with having my teeth clean. I floss and brush like a professional. 

To-Do Lists

I write a to-do list every single day. I love checking off things and having a plan for the day. If I want something done at home or at work- it has to be on the to-do list. If I don’t finish a day’s to-do list, it gets put on the next day’s list. It will get done.

Reading the Bible

I talk about this frequently on this blog. But once you read God’s word, it has a way of transforming your life. Every area of your life is impacted. And you start to see all the changes it makes in your heart, and you can’t help but want others to experience it too.

Leaving things open

Van doors- I can’t tell you the amount of times that I have left a car door open. I’ll just walk out to my car at lunch and one of the doors has been open all morning. Walking to the car from church- door open. 

Drawers- Martin is constantly reminding me to close drawers or fridge doors. He loves it.

Background Sound

It is weird to be in silence, for me. I like to have The Office playing in the background. I can’t just fold laundry, I have to have a podcast playing. Driving in a quiet car is not something I ever do. It is a lot of sensory for some.

Laundry Piles

There are times when I organize laundry into piles in our closet. Only I know what the piles mean. Being married to a man that likes to put things out of sight/out of mind. I get frustrated when my “organized” piles all get dumped back into one hamper. 

Plain Water

I drink lots of water, but I really struggle drinking plain aka unflavored. I love my Liquid IV, Zevia, Waterloo drinks. But, when it comes to drinking just plain water, I am not great. I’d really like to enjoy it more.

Scrolling at Kid Bedtime

I stay in Madley and Baker’s room until they fall asleep (probably another bad habit). I take my phone with me, because if I don’t I fall asleep with them. However, too many times I stay longer just scrolling my phone. I HAVE to break this habit because I really want to start going to bed early.

Thanks for making this blog a safe space for me to share these types of things. I hope when reading this you recognize some of your great habits- celebrate those! And maybe your eyes were opened to some habits you’d like to break. You are not alone. No one is perfect.

Thanks for reading! See you all tomorrow!

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5 thoughts on “Top 5/Bottom 5 Habits I Have”

  1. Oh geez, I’ve been writing down some possible resolutions right now as I wait for our cabinet painters to finish up and 4 of your 5 top habits are literally on my list of things I need to do better! Lol it’s inspiring, though, to think that even though you seem to have so much managed and are doing so well, that you’re also trying to better yourself in some ways! Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Pingback: Friday Favorites: January 17, 2025 – Kari Miller Blog

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