Top 5/Bottom 5 Christmas Movies

Today could get heated. I am going to share my personal TOP 5 Christmas Movies and my BOTTOM 5 Christmas Movies. These are just my opinions, I understand my Top and Bottom may not fit your lists.

I’d love to hear your favorites or least favorites. 

I love this movie. Every single year I watch it I suddenly want to move to southern California. It is just the most delightful movie. I love the music too.

I’ve written about this movie on the blog already. This movie makes me LOL every single year. I always discover something new to laugh about each time I watch it too.

Honestly, I think this movie is LOVE or HATE. You either love it or hate it. I just happen to be on the love side. Any movie set in New York City at Christmas time is a win for me!

I LOVE this Grinch movie. I actually love Jim Carrey’s Grinch movie too. But this one makes the Top 5 because of its reference to Jesus through the music. There are several musical numbers in this movie that have JESUS in them! WOW- Jesus mentioned in a Christmas movie- what a concept!

I have loved this movie since I was a kid. This movie made me love the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Once again, it is set in NYC. It is a fun love story with lots of feel good moments. What’s not to love?

Is this a Christmas movie? If the answer is yes or no, it’s still a no for me. I put this movie on one time when I was a kid trying to get in the Christmas spirit- it didn’t work.

The first one is okay. The second and third installments are just painful.

I know, this one is a classic. And maybe I should rewatch it and give it another chance. I’ve seen it a couple times and it just doesn’t do anything for me. I usually end up getting up and never finish it.

I’m indifferent with this movie. I don’t really think it’s bad. I also don’t think it’s good. At times I think it is digitally beautiful. And other times, I think the characters are creepy. I do like the hot chocolate scene and song.

Martin enjoys this movie, I don’t really get it. Also, are there any toys nowadays that are in high demand like toys used to be? Kids today don’t have to wait for anything anymore. Right?!

Okay- give it to me… What movie did I get right? Which movie did I miss? I need/want to hear it! I’ll still love you, I promise!

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