TGIF: January 24, 2025





The last TGIF post I did was back in November, so this is way overdue! As a refresher, on TGIF posts, I share what I am thanking GOD for in life. It can be big things, little, silly, or random. The emphasis is always on being grateful for God’s blessings, mercy, and grace in my life.

Before I get started, so many people are going through really hard things right now. My heart is heavy for them. We can’t stop praising our father, thanking him for a new day, air in our lungs, shoes on our feet. Jesus is the light, He can pierce through our darkness. Your circumstances are not bigger than Him, He sees you and is with you. 

Ohio State AND Notre Dame

WOW- what a tremendous game that was. However, it was the faith that both teams shared that blew me away. We had to pause the game multiple, MULTIPLE, times so we could look up bible verses that players were showing the cameras or ones written on their face tape things. Some were even using sign language to share about Jesus. It was something I have never seen in sports. It was incredible. I pray that if I ever get a platform of any kind, I use it to share God’s love for us through Jesus.


The boys were already playing basketball prior to the holidays, but now Madley is playing. I have volunteered to coach her team. We have had two practices, and we are pumped. These girls are little athletes and are super coachable. Can’t wait to see how much they grow this season. I feel so honored to be a part of it.

School Activities

My kids have had a music program, an honor roll assembly, school projects, and so much more. The kids have been so invested in these special school events. I am thankful for teachers willing to go above and beyond to make school so impactful and engaging.

The Gospels

I have shared before, but I am reading the four gospels right now in my reading plan, The Bible Recap. You may know this already, but I didn’t know this until I read through the bible for the very first time… The four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) are all about Jesus’ time on Earth. They are all written by different  authors with slightly different perspectives. So the books cover many of the same stories and words of Jesus. It is like learning about Jesus from four different eye witnesses. It is fascinating.

Also, when Jesus speaks (red letters in the bible) he uses parables. If you have read His parables, they are still so applicable to life in 2025 as they were 2000+ years ago. It is mind blowing.


Madley is almost 7. She is currently just the best. I’m so overwhelmed by her in the best way. She is so smart, beautiful, and she is so joyful. Her laugh is a laugh that fills the entire house, you can’t help but laugh too. I pinch myself because I can’t believe she is ours. Love my blue eyed, daddy’s mini me, spunky girl of mine.

That concludes my TGIF for this Friday. Thanks for stopping by! We will see you next week!

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2 thoughts on “TGIF: January 24, 2025”

  1. I am with you, the faith of the players and what they showcase in the game was so wonderful! Of course we were sad our Irish lost, but what precious boys! I hope you have a beautiful weekend! I loved this post

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