I am excited about Spring! Flowers blooming, green grass, birds flying, and warmer days are coming. Even though the weather has been teetering between winter and spring lately, I thought it would be fun to make a spring bucket list.
Today, I want to share ten things that are on my spring bucket list. Let’s go.
Pot Flowers and Plants
I can’t wait to pot my pots this year, I might even add some new pots to the mix.
Trim Tree/Prep Flower Beds
We have a lot of trimming, tilling, pulling, etc. before everything wakes up and starts to bloom again.
Add Seasonal Decor
You know that I love fall and Christmas decor. I have ZERO decor for spring/summer. I would like to find some fun seasonal pieces to spruce up my house. I think the kids would like it too.
Spring Scents
I plan on getting some wallflowers and candles that bring Spring inside. I’d love to regularly have some fresh eucalyptus leaves.
Eat Outside More
I’d like to make a point to get outside for family dinners when the weather calls for it. This is hard with such a busy schedule.
Attend a Bunch of Baseball Games
Games/Tourneys are already on the calendar! It is going to be wild. It is a good thing that I know three very cute baseball players who play a lot of baseball! Ty will be playing for our high school team, GO JAGS! Benny is back with the Redsox, and Baker is still a Duck.
Make Summer Plans
Let’s be honest, if we don’t book a summer vacay in the spring, it will not happen. We have to get this done!
Buy Swim Stuff Early
In years past I have waited to buy swim gear until the actual day they want to go swimming. Everything is picked through and hard to find in stores. If I get this all done early, we can just go straight to the pool on that first hot summer day!
Get a Bird Feeder
I think I want a bird feeder. The kids (besides Benny) love birds. I also think it would be fun for Madley to help me take care of it and refill it.
Spend More Time with Jesus
Spring is a busy time of the year for the Miller family. School events, baseball practices and games lead to busy days. I don’t want to miss Jesus in all the hustle and bustle. I want Jesus to be my #1 priority.
What’s on your spring bucket list? Do we have any in common?
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I am so ready for all things Spring. Time change is first on my list so it’s light out later! I am planning on pulling out my Spring decorations and get them up this weekend too. Have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend!!
I was just thinking about spring decorations on my walk!!
I was just thinking about spring decorations on my walk!!
Bird feeders are so fun! We have some that suction cup (we have both a “regular” one and a hummingbird one) to our windows so the birds come quite close to the house. We’ve learned about a lot of varieties we didn’t even know lived in our area.