Motivational Monday #6- USE YOUR TALENTS

Each of you should use whateer gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of god's grade in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10

God’s grace shines on everyone, believers and non-believers, the faithful and the faithless. The breath in your lung, the heartbeat in your chest is God’s grace. We are all recipients of God’s grace.

He makes the sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

Matthew 4:44-45

God’s grace are the gifts we don’t deserve or didn’t earn. God’s grace in one word is Jesus. Jesus came to this broken world to save sinners. Jesus died on a Roman cross, a death we deserved, not Him. 

Now that we have established what God’s grace is and how we are all blessed to be living in that grace, how can we honor that gift?

USE YOUR GOD GIVEN TALENTS to serve others. God’s grace is bountiful, the gifts God has blessed each of us with is completely unique and customized to each of us. Our gifts are our purpose. Our purpose is to love God, love others, and serve others using the gifts that God has blessed us with.


Dear Lord, Thank you for your grace, the gifts you have gifted me. Please help me recognize my worth and my purpose that you have willed for my life. Lord, I want to use these gifts to bless others. Please open my heart and doors to make that happen. Lord, thank you for blessing others with talents that bless me. Your attention to detail and love for each one of us is astounding and overwhelming. Amen.


1. Make a list of three of your gifts/talents.


2. Brainstorm ways you can use those gifts to serve others.


3. Send an encouraging message to someone that uses their gifts/talents to serve you and/or others.


4. If you are a parent: Make a list for each of your children and their gifts. Help them recognize and grow their talents.


5. FEAR: If you are fearful of using your gifts (I’m raising my hand), pray for God to deliver you from those fears. Memorize Psalm 34:4-5

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