Today’s Motivational Monday is about one thing…
This week I am finishing the book of Revelation. This will conclude my first time reading the entire bible, in chronological order. I am on fire!! This book is LIFE CHANGING. This book is alive, it is God breathed, it is wisdom, love, and hope to me.
What I learned…
Ummmm, a lot. But I am going to keep it simple here. You’re welcome!
The old testament is much longer than the new testament. At times, it felt like I was never going to get to the new testament. Then, once I got to the new testament, if FLEW BY. I never wanted to stop reading and studying.
The old testament is important. I knew the old testament was pre Jesus walking on the earth and the new testament was all about Jesus and life post resurrection. What I have learned is the examples of “living by faith” are flooded in the old testament. Joseph, Moses, Noah, Daniel, David, Esther, and so many others. SO MANY.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are known as the books of the gospel. They tell the story of Jesus’ pre-birth, birth, life, death, and resurrection. They are all told from different viewpoints, hinting at the four different authors. So basically, you get to read about the Son of God, our savior, four different times. Jesus is the main event, people!!
So much goes over my head. I really appreciated The Bible Recap helping me know what to read, what order to read it, and summarize what I just read each day. I know that I still have so much to learn and I am so eager to start back over and relearn. I used her book to help me stay with it.
It can help you NOW. So many self help strategies, diets, exercise plans take you months, years, even decades to see results. However, the bible is the living word. It can help you today. God breathed every single word that is in this book, and he had you in mind when he did it. There is something for you, in every chapter.
Satan will be coming for you. So many times reading my bible, I felt like I was being attacked with distractions, grumpy attitudes from my kids, or cold coffee. Satan doesn’t want you to pick this book up. This book leaves no doubt who the creator and savior of this world is, was, and will always be. Please, guard your heart using this book. It may feel like Satan is surrounding us at times, but NEVER forget that you are surrounded by GOD!
Reading your bible is setting an example for your family. It’s okay if your quiet time gets interrupted by a nosey kid or an extra early riser. What a powerful opportunity that they get to see you growing in your faith.
Reading the bible isn’t good enough- putting into practice the things you learn is where God’s blessing starts flowing.

Where do you start?
Let’s start small. Commit to read one chapter of the bible today. Can you tell a friend about this goal? Maybe start a text chain where you share what chapter you read that day. Nothing more, nothing less. Start there. Gradually add more chapters, or share one thing you want to put into practice from what you read.
Don’t feel like you have to join a bible study to start. Start. Just start. This book, the stories it reveals, the hope it promises, the love it inspires is mind blowing. It is everything. You have a heavenly father that loves you, cares for you, and wants you to get to know Him. Stop taking someone else’s opinions or thoughts about who God is for truth. Open the bible up and read the truth.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. no one comes to the father except through me."
John 14:6
My Prayer:
Dear Lord, Thank you for your word. Your word is life giving. Lord, please open the hearts of all those who open the pages. Have them understand and put into practice your commands. Give us a heart that loves and cherishes you and your promises. Amen.

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