The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.
psalm 28:7
Tattoo this verse to your soul, your mind, and your heart. Today, let’s dissect it. Let each part absorb and become a part of you.
The Lord is my strength– do you ever have moments, days, or seasons of life where you feel down in the count? Underprepared for what is on your plate? Remember, the Lord is your strength. Free yourself from being “strong enough.” Rely on his unwavering strength.
and my shield– wake up each day knowing that the God who created this universe is walking with you each day holding a shield of protection around you and your loved ones. We will face challenges, God never promised us that we would be untested. He does promise that He is with us, He holds back the sea, He stands in the fire with us.
my heart trusts in him– the world is messed up, so many horrible things have happened, are happening, and will happen. It can be hard to trust anything or anyone. This scripture says MY HEART will trust in him. Not my mind or my gut. My heart. Through my reading of the bible, the heart is all of these things. It is where my emotions and my thoughts originate and blend. God tells us to love him with our whole heart. It’s an all or nothing type of thing, our heart. So let’s trust him with our heart.
and he helps me.– God offers us access to his strength, his protection, and he provides us a constant source of stability. Those things add up to how he helps us. Never underestimate the power of prayer. God helps us with small things and big things. Don’t be afraid to stop in the midst of your day, ask for his help, strength, and protection. He HELPS.
My heart leaps with joy, and with my song I praise him.– Take moments to praise your heavenly father. When joy hits you, praise him. When you witness your husband serving his family, praise HIM. When you get off the phone after connecting with your mom or dad or an old friend, praise HIM. When you finish a long run, praise HIM for a strong healthy body. When your child is sleeping and you find yourself taking a moment to stare at their beautiful face, praise Him.
Next Steps...
-Memorize Psalm 28:7
– Reflect on a time when you relied on God’s strength and help.
-Reflect on a time when you DID NOT rely on God’s strength and help.
– Stop once every hour today, take a moment to pray. Pray for specific help or say a prayer of praise.
-Listen to your favorite worship song on high volume.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, thank you. Your promises never fail. You are my strength. You are my shield. My heart trusts you. Please help me to remember this verse when I feel weak, out of control, or anxious. Help me remember to praise you and fully know that you are the source of joy. Thank you for blessing my life. Keep me in your will. Amen.

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