Motivational Monday #15: Preparation Room

Welcome to the PREPARATION ROOM!

Do you sometimes feel like your life is one giant waiting room? You are just living your life waiting for God to open a door and then you will start living out your purpose?

I have been there- if you forget, please check out my blog hard launch. I knew God had plans for this blog, but I was stuck in this waiting period, frozen in a way. I wasn’t sure I was ready or if God really wanted me to do it. Was I going to be spreading myself too thin? Was I even equipped to do it?

What I can see now- I was never in a waiting room, I was in a PREPARATION ROOM. God was working on me. 

Let me explain…

Covid forced me to become a virtual teacher. During these four years as a virtual teacher I found that I loved working with parents/adults, especially encouraging them when doing school at home got difficult. I have become more computer literate. I am confident in communicating virtually.

I truly believe God was equipping me with the necessary skills to build and write a blog over these last 4 years, and I had no idea. All I felt was in a weird bubble between teaching jobs. I love(d) my job, but the job always felt temporary and insecure. I was never sure I’d have a job the next school year. Plus, I was unsure if I wanted to be back in a traditional classroom.

 Basically, I didn’t know where God wanted me.

Can you relate at all? Have you ever felt this way? Waiting doesn’t mean you are inactive or useless, it means God is preparing you.

God’s power is found in the process. Your purpose in life has everything to do with God and how He can and will use your gifts that have been prepared for you.

What can we do in the waiting preparation room?

Focus on Others – The people we cross paths with are never by accident. Be a friendly smile in the COSTCO line, hold the door for others, help the elderly by taking their trash to the curb. 

Just Try – God wants to work through you. He wants to develop skills in you, but you must be willing to try and fail. Dabble- Learn- Improve- Repeat. 

Walk Through the Door – Continue to prepare, stay focused on God and others, and be ready to walk through that door when God opens it! That door will open and He will use all those skills you have learned while in the preparation room.

God has equipped you, He has plans for you, He wants to use you for things only YOU can do. The only way for that to happen is to prepare. So if you are in the waiting room of life, change your mindset. Trust that God has you in the preparation room and He is preparing you to do good works. 

My Prayer

Dear Lord,

 Keep me focused on you, continue to prepare me for what you have for me, give me confidence in trying new skills. Lord, I want to trust that you are preparing me to serve your kingdom. Lord, for anyone reading this post please have this message be an encouragement to trust in your word and your plans and your promises. I pray that anyone who feels stuck in the waiting, please fully equip them for what you have planned for them, open doors wide for them to walk through with full confidence. 


**This Monday Motivation was inspired by a bible study titled Daily Jewels. Author was not listed.**

Check out past Monday Motivations…

MM#1: Insecurity

MM#2: Self Love

MM#3: Self Control

MM#4: Peace

MM#5: Perspectives

MM#6: Use Your Talents

MM#7: Psalm 28:7

MM#8: Read Your Bible

MM#9: Fruit of the Spirit

MM#10: God’s Will

MM#11: Purpose Blockers

MM#12: Message for the Struggling Christian

MM#13: Replace Lies for Truth

MM#14: Mom Burnout

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2 thoughts on “Motivational Monday #15: Preparation Room”

  1. This is so cool, Kari! Fits right in with our motto – Love God, Love people, make diciples

  2. Pingback: MM #16: K.I.S.S. – Kari Miller Blog

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