Motivational Monday #18: Trust God’s Process

Today’s Motivational Monday is focused on Proverbs 16:9, Trusting God’s Process while planning for our future. Let’s dive in…

Some of you are planners, you envision what you’d like to see happen in your life and then you make a plan of what steps you will take to get there. 

The first time I read Proverbs 16:9, I felt uneasy. My initial thought was that I can make all the plans I want, BUT God’s will will happen despite my planning efforts. So… are we not supposed to plan things out? Or chase our dreams?

Well, I dug a little deeper and tried to better understand what Soloman meant when he wrote this Proverb. 

God designed us to plan, dream, prepare, and work hard. Those are all godly things to do. The “but” is… God didn’t equip us to do these things single handedly. 

God wants us to plan, dream, prepare, and work hard- but  He also wants us to entrust Him with the process and follow the steps He lays out to get there.

God is all-knowing, which ultimately means He knows everything that will happen in the world. He can see where we are right now and sees where we will be- He then can/will create the path in which to get there. 

In summary- Keep dreaming and planning, but bring those big plans and dreams to God. Submit those to Him and ask God to guide your steps. He can see the way to get to those things- you just need to trust in Him!

My Prayer

Dear Lord,

You know my heart, my dreams, my desires for my life and my family. Lord, I am giving those dreams to you. Please guide me to reach those aspirations in your timing and ways. Lord, sustain me and give me patience and  perseverance as I wait for you. Your will and ways are perfect- so I am trusting your ways. Amen.

Thanks for visiting! I hope y’all feel inspired to give your goals and aspirations to God. I pray His will for your life! Love you all.

More Motivational Mondays to Check Out

MM#1: Insecurity

MM#2: Self Love

MM#3: Self Control

MM#4: Peace

MM#5: Perspectives

MM#6: Use Your Talents

MM#7: Psalm 28:7

MM#8: Read Your Bible

MM#9: Fruit of the Spirit

MM#10: God’s Will

MM#11: Purpose Blockers

MM#12: Message for the Struggling Christian

MM#13: Replace Lies for Truth

MM#14: Mom Burnout

MM#15: Preparation Room

MM #16: K.I.S.S.

MM#17: Matthew 5:16

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