Monday Motivation #13: Replace Lies for Truths

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

Romans 8:6

Can you control your own thoughts? Think about what you think about.

What do you think when you look in the mirror? When your world is quiet, what are you saying to yourself? What you tell yourself every day matters… a lot.

If you continually tell yourself things about yourself that are untrue, you will also continually struggle to believe what God says about you. This is being governed by the flesh. We all do it, myself included.

On the flip side (God’s design), when you start to identify yourself as a child of God and begin to allow the Spirit to shape your view on yourself, you will begin to see yourself the way God sees you. This is being governed by the Spirit.

This shift in thinking is a process and a lifelong one at that. It takes a conscious effort and needs to be checked often.

Here are four simple steps you can do daily to guard your heart and soul from being governed by the flesh, and start being led by the Spirit. Here we go…

#1: Identify the Lies

When you think something about yourself- check your thinking through a filter of questions. This filter will determine if this is your flesh or the Spirit governing.

Is this thought rooted in fear, insecurity, pride, jealousy, or lack of confidence? If so, FLESH. Adjust your thinking immediately and repeatedly. This leads us to the next step.

#2: Replace the Lie for Truth

What is the truth? The truth can be found in the Bible. Use a simple tool like google to help you. For example, if you are struggling with body image. Google, “what does the Bible say about body image?” Google will give you verse after verse for you to look into, memorize, and pray about.

#3: Say the Truths Aloud

Write down some “I am …” statements and the Bible verse that supports it. Then say the I am statements out loud.

Here are a few examples…

“I am made with a purpose” (Ephesians 2:10)

“I am beautiful” (Psalms 139:14)

“I am strong” (Isaiah 40:31)

“I am able to do scary things” (2 Timothy 1:7)

 Write these kinds of statements about your spouse and kids. If it feels silly to do this, that is your flesh. Continue to push until the Spirit is governing your thoughts.

#4 Don’t Argue with the Creator

If God says something about you, IT IS TRUE. There is no gray area, no lie, and no mistake found in God’s word. Stop disagreeing, believing lies, or arguing with your creator. Trust his promises, have faith in his creation.

My Prayer:

Dear Lord, You created me. You love me. Thank you for promising to always be with me. Please guard my heart from the lies I tell myself or the lies others spew at me. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Help my heart and soul be governed by the Spirit. Help me to remember to use your word to know my worth. Amen.

Please feel free to share this message with a friend that may need it. These messages are always a step of faith for me. I am needing these messages/truths more than anyone. I hope you know that I am an imperfect person in desperate need of a savior. 

See you tomorrow for a fun post. Don’t forget to come check it out.

Check out previous Monday Motivations here… 


Self Love

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