Last September I wrote a random blog post on MOM STRUGGLES. When writing it, I personally thought it was just a silly post that would make me giggle in a few years, looking back. But, it turns out, many of you could relate. It was so fun that so many of you giggled with me. We are not alone.
So today, I thought it was time for part 2 of Mom Struggles. So let’s jump right in.
#1: Decorative Pillows
We have four decorative pillows in our living room. Do you want to know how many times Martin or I walk by and pick those four pillows up and put them back on the couch? We’d tell you, but numbers don’t go that high.
I actually saw a kid walk by the coach and knock them over and off the couch on their way to the chair to sit. Excuse me?
#2: Homework
“Mom, I have homework. Can you sit down with me to help?”
“Of course! What are we tackling today?”
Mom stops the dishes and sits.
1 minute later…
“I have to go the bathroom.”
“I need to get some water.”
“Can you get me a snack?”
“My teacher never taught us this?”
“This packet (10 pages) is due tomorrow.” (even though he’s had it for 2 weeks)
Anyone else?
#3: Alarm Clock
We have started using alarm clocks for Benny to wake up on his own for school. He does great with it. HOWEVER, I always forget to turn the dang thing off for Saturday and Sunday. That thing wakes up the whole kid wing…. NO!!!!
#4: Dinner at 4:30 or 8:30?
That is your only option. And let’s be honest, it’s both. You feed them dinner at 4:30 and a whole other meal at 8:30 after practices and activities are done.
#5: Sneaky iPad Users
I am anti-iPads. I think they have their time and place, but my kids think the time is always and the place is anywhere. I will declare a no ipad window of time and if I blink, someone sneaks one away. Or one asks if they can do “school” on it. That lasts until mom walks out of the room.
These kids are getting savvy, and I am not a huge fan.
#6: “Can we….?”
We have one child, in particular, that asks a lot of “can we…” questions. You have to be VERY careful in how you answer. For example, “Can we have s’mores?” If you answer that with… “that does sound yummy. We will have to get the ingredients.” This child hears…. “I am dropping everything I am doing and getting in the car to go to the grocery store, so I can make you a s’more within the hour.” Then when we remind him of reality, he is peachy.
#7: The Overachiever Child
We have one child that believes doing what is required is a disgrace. She (you knew it was my girl) brings home her January Reading Log and precedes to read enough books to fill the entire log in one night. All 15 slots, done. And she actually reads the books.
Optional homework sent home? That is done 5 minutes after getting home. Then she demands adding more practice problems on the back. Her teacher is offering a STICKER if she does it. That sticker is everything to her now.
#8: Coats
I’m not even going to talk about pants. Benny has worn pants to school maybe 4 times this school year. I am just going to talk about the coat. In all seriousness, do middle schoolers die if they bring a coat to school? Is this something that happens? The windchill was -14 one day, and Benny was so distraught that I was making him CARRY his coat into school. I told him that I didn’t feel like going to jail that day because I wouldn’t “let” my kid wear their winter coat on the record-setting low temperatures.
#9: Repeating Outfits
My kids have a wide variety of clothes. They are so blessed. Martin and I are always so perplexed as to why they continually wear the same clothes over and over. So many times, we tell them that they wore those exact clothes two days ago at school. “I don’t care.” I am all for staples in their wardrobe, but I couldn’t imagine wearing the same clothes multiple times in the same week.
#10: Taking Shoes (and sometimes socks) Off in the Car
What in the world? Why do we get to our destination, exit the car, and then realize we need to put on our shoes AND socks. They had them on when they got into the car, why would you ever feel the need to take them off in a 5-15 minute car ride? I love it in January, when we are all standing outside by the car while someone puts their shoes on. It makes you feel alive to stand in freezing temps for no reason…
I’ll stop there at 10 Mom Struggles. I hope these made you giggle and feel a little less alone on this parenting journey. These struggles are honestly the greatest blessing in my life outside of my marriage and my faith. I’d “struggle” every minute of every day if it meant Benny, Baker, and Madley called me mom! I am so blessed.
Have a great day! Come back tomorrow for another Friday Favs!
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That last one about the shoes and socks was THE best. I laughed out loud.