MM #17: Matthew 5:16

This has been a “life verse” for me since I can remember. 

Today I am going to break down the verse to help explain why this verse is so impactful to me.

Do you have a “life verse”? I’d love to know what that is for you.

“In the same way,”

Same way as what?  Let’s look at the verses before.

Light’s purpose is to get rid of darkness. Light is not covered with darkness.

The Holy Spirit inside of us is the same thing, it rids us of our darkness and sinful ways. It is the source of our light, we are not to cover it with our darkness, but rather let it shine out from us to help light others.

“Let your light shine before others”

Light is given, not generated. You are not called to generate your own internal light source. I speak with experience here, if I were to generate my own light- it would be a burnt out bulb for a good chunk of each day. It would shine REALLY bright and then explode.

My light is not reliable.

My light is given through my savior. He is my light source. His light needs to be my light. I want his light to pour into me, so it can shine out of me.

How can I let my light shine? 

Jesus tells us. (Matthew 5-7)

Here are a few ways Jesus says to shine your light…

Love your enemies (Matthew 5: 43-48)

“Enemy” is a word that can trip me up when I read it in the Bible. I don’t think my enemies are specific people. As I read the Bible, I find myself thinking- my enemies are more situations that bring out qualities in people around me or myself that are ungodly. 

For example, someone being rude to a Subway employee. The person being rude is not my enemy, but the way they are treating others is my enemy. Does that make sense?

How do you love your enemy? 

You remember, first, that you are not perfect. Then, you remember that the person you are dealing with is not perfect. Taking the high road, treat others with respect- not because they are treating you with respect, but because you would want to be treated with respect.

Pray (Matthew 6: 5-15)

Jesus knows what you need and want. He isn’t listening for the right words in our prayers, he is looking for our heart. Jesus invites us to pray with our heart, ask for his forgiveness, and forgive others with our prayers. 

Don’t treasure earthly things (Matthew 6: 19-24)

Your heart is the main topic again with this one. How can we have a heart after Jesus, don’t store up earthly treasures. You cannot serve two Gods.

Do not worry (Matthew 6: 25-34)

“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:27

Stop Judging Others (Matthew 7: 1-6)

Jesus says that we will be judged with the same measure that we judge others. Be slow to assume things about others before getting to know them. Treat others with empathy and kindness.

Give to the Needy (Matthew 6: 1-4)

Giving to the needy is a matter of the heart again. God says to give in secret. God says he is the only one that needs to know, and He will reward you for it.

“… that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

As Christ followers we need to set an example in how we talk, conduct ourselves, love, and value purity.

Think of someone in your life that you are drawn to. Drawn to the light that shines from them. Be thankful for their light. Know that when we interact with others, we either bring light or darkness to their lives. 

Let’s bring light, God’s light, into this dark world. Let others see your heavenly father through your actions. It just may change their whole world.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, Thank you for your light and being my example. Thank you also for shining through others. Please guide me to be a light in this dark world. Please shine through me. Amen.

Thank you for sticking with me on this post. This verse means so much to me. I hope y’all can see God’s light when you open up my blog each day, this verse is one of the main reasons I started this whole thing- TO SHINE GOD’S LIGHT!!

Love you all.

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1 thought on “MM #17: Matthew 5:16”

  1. Pingback: Motivational Monday #18: Trust God’s Process – Kari Miller Blog

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