Happy Halloween!
Today is a work day for me- so I will be Dwight in this meme in my mind!
I will be busy being a teacher in the morning and then Baker’s Room Mom in the afternoon!
We are having a family dinner tonight and then trick or treating! I’ll be sure to recap the night next week!
Today is my monthly LIFE LATELY post! It was a busy, amazing month.
Enjoy all the moments that happened in the in-between over the past month.
Pumpkin Patch with our cousin Callan! Also, Madley had a birthday party at another pumpkin patch. So much fun!
Friday Night Lights was on my October Bucket List- and boy did we check that one off, multiple times! Go JAGS!!
Baker and his team won the end of season flag football tournament. They all played incredible. Can’t thank the coaches enough. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again… watching Baker play sports is one of my very favorite things to do in life!
Uncle Larry and Aunt Leslie spoiling us even from afar! Madley said, “Uncle Larry is a good cooker!” William Sonoma may have helped a little…
If a picture could show how much we all adore Callan- this might be it. He’s just heaven sent! I have to pinch myself that he is going to be a big brother in just a few months.
Never a dull moment with these cousins!
Baker’s pumpkin he decorated! Can you tell what book character it is?
Working on some school work at mommy’s school before hers starts! And eating the snacks that I packed for myself…
Getting shots up- football is over. Basketball, you’re up next for the boys! And Madley is doing a skills clinic for volleyall!
Benny getting into basketball shape- he has been running a mile after school every day, he’s gotten faster each time!
Martin took these two grocery shopping! Some interesting items came home, but fun was had by all!
Breakfast at Dede and Gpa’s house on a Friday before school- not a bad way to start your day. These three highly recommend it.
We have been finding HUGE wolf spiders this year! We also discovered that wolf spiders hop instead of crawling when they need to move fast…
Baker’s teacher sent me this picture- Baker going out of his way to help a friend. Gosh- these are the best kind of updates to get. Way to go, Baker!
Snuggles for my bookends. Have I mentioned how sweet Benny is?
Madley work up one morning saying her ears hurt, took her to the doc 1 hour later to find that she had a double ear infection. She was tough as nails and didn’t even miss a day of school!
These two are 100% cuteness.
No words.
We had to drive around our neighborhood to get a good view of the sunrise! WOW- God is author of beauty.
Another take out meal when daddy is out of town. This time… Subway!
Birthday party for our neighbor besties!! These three girls are just PRECIOUS!
When Martin is out of town- we take lots of pics to fill him in on our days!
Dinner at Chick-fil-a while daddy is on a work trip!
That is our life lately!
See you all next month…. Tomorrow… NOVEMBER 1st!
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That pigeon pumpkin is so cute! It looks like a fabulous October.