Kari’s Ten Fall Goals

Today is my seasonal goal post! Back in early June I shared my Summer Goals. Putting my goals on the blog really helped me focus and be held accountable to get these goals accomplished. So, I am doing it again for the fall. 

Today I am going to share TEN FALL GOALS that I have for myself. I will then report back at the end of the season with a report card, similar to my Summer Goals Report Card post.

I encourage you to set a few goals for this next chapter in your life. Sometimes we just need to jot a few down, stretch out a plan on how you can get it done in order to get anything done. Let’s do this…


Diversify Workouts

For the fall, I’d like to start incorporating some variety to my workouts. I want to start biking more, using our rowing machine, and do incline walks. I am also interested in some pilates or yoga workouts. I have been pretty consistent with the weight training/cardio/walk routine. I don’t want to lose that, but I think it would be good for my body to mix it up some.

Organize “Junk” Drawers

We all have one. However, the Miller fam has about 5 of these in our kitchen. This is the end of that! I am going to empty these drawers and get them organized. I will be sure to post photographic evidence!

Read 3 Books

Okay- this is the summer goal that I failed at! At the beginning of the summer I wanted to read four books. I only managed to read two. So I lowered my goal to 3. I have to get back on this horse- every time I read a book, I LOVE IT. So why is it so hard for me to get it going?! 

Blog Newsletter

I have been very consistent with my blog posts coming out Monday-Friday. I am hopeful that I can continue that! However, the one thing that I have put on the back burner is my email subscriber newsletters. I have many people who have signed up to get email notifications of new posts, but I have yet to figure out how to send these out. So, my goal is to get this going.

Load Blog Posts to Pinterest

I want to grow this blog and reach new people. One way I would like to do this is through Pinterest. This is a fairly simple process, but it takes time to do. Very soon you will be able to find my blog posts on Pinterest!

Before Bed Challenge

If it is a school night, I am going to do the Before Bed Challenge! No ands, ifs, or buts! Please join me.

Limit Social Media Consumption

This is a big one for me. I am OVER wasting precious time scrolling social media. I still want to socialize, be inspired, and keep up with loved ones through social media. So, I am going to set specific times in my day that scrolling is allowed and welcomed. 

Home Day Routine

As you know, this year I am working only Part-Time as a teacher. So I am spending half of my time at home with no kids. This fall, I want to play around with some routines and see what works for me. I want to take full advantage of these days to be productive but also find pockets of rest. I’ll keep you posted.

Organize Storage Room

Well this is the fun one…. NOT. It needs to be done. It will feel really great to have it done. I can do it (maybe Martin can help).

Grocery Store Routine

I am very terrible at grocery store shopping. I don’t have a set day that I order them or go to the store. I will randomly stop by COSTCO and not know what to get. It is driving me crazy! I am going to get a routine of when to buy food and from where. 

Well… I am now super motivated to get some goals into action. I will report back sometime in December on how these goals shakedown. Fall is always jammed packed and filled with so much goodness, I am hopeful these goals will make it even sweeter.

Come back to the blog tomorrow for the first installment of FALL FRIDAY- you won’t want to miss it!

More Posts to Check Out

Keys to a Fantastic Fall

GMWK: Looking Forward

Kids’ Bedroom Swap

Mom Burnout

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  1. Pingback: Life Lately: September 2024 – Kari Miller Blog

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