Introducing Kari Miller Blog!

I started a blog! 


I actually started a blog about a year ago. No one knew about it. No one.


Until now… here is why and how this whole thing happened.


Here we go…


I wanted a hobby outside of work and kids. I wanted something to spark joy. I knew how I wanted the hobby to make me feel, but I had no idea what hobby could do that.


So…I made a list of things that brought me joy. I had many things. The list was all over the board, just visualizing and thinking about the list made me so happy. I kept adding to the list and referring to it. 


Then in the middle of a work day last May, it hit me- I want to spread JOY. I wanted a space in this world to share my joys with others. But how? Social media? I am not a huge social media person and can get too sucked into the negative sides of it all, so I knew I needed another avenue to share with others. 


A BLOG. That could work.


I then researched how to start a blog. I started just typing in google docs blog post ideas. I started searching for similar blogs, watching youtube videos, and reading books. Within a week, I had a blog URL and started building. The fire was lit. I was hooked on learning more, writing, dreaming….


I chose not to tell a soul. Martin didn’t know for months. Why? Well… My excitement was being held on a leash by fear. Fear of putting myself out there. Fear of judgment of others. Wandering if ANYONE would want to even read anything I had to share. Fear of sharing all these blessings in my life knowing full well I am deeply flawed and undeserving of it.


Fear. Ugh. The devil’s oldest tool in his toolbox.


I prayed for courage and confidence. Repeatedly.


Finally, I told Martin. I sent him my URL and waited for him to read my first few posts…. The butterflies were ridiculous.


He loved it- he was proud of me. He was impressed and so supportive. Gosh- I love that man so much.


I kept our secret for about four more months. I kept posting here and there and sharing them with him. Martin kept building me up, sending little emails to me after each post saying how much he enjoyed reading it.


Over these four months, I prayed so much with God. I was basically in a constant conversation with him about how I needed Him to tell me if this blog was something He wanted me to do, share with others, fully commit to, etc. I wrote in my prayer journal that I wanted Him to open or shut doors. I think I wrote, “fling open or slam shut.” I needed His will for my life to be flashing in neon lights. Goodness. My fear still had a foothold. 


One random morning, September 1st to be exact, the verse of the day on the bible app was Acts 20:24.


However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. Acts 20:24


Ummmm…. Remember that list I made 4 months earlier. The list of all the things that bring me joy. Yea- everything on that list was the good news of God’s grace in my life. Every. Single. Listed. Thing.


It was time for me to start testifying the good news. So… I shared my blog with my best friend, Danielle.

OMG. Now two people know about my blog, and I am still alive. How little is my faith? Well, guess what, Dani poured life into me. She not only loved my posts, my ideas. She reinforced that I was authentic and my writing came across that way too. I don’t want to sound like a fraud like so many others on social media. Her words of encouragement were a gift.


But did I still share my blog with others? No. WOW… Fear and uncertainty are powerful things if you let yourself lean into them. Goodness me.


I kept blogging tho, I still LOVED doing it. The love was only growing. 


In February, I was told that my virtual teaching position for next school year was only going to be offered to me as a part time position. God slammed that door. My excuse of not having the time to blog was quickly resolved. NEON LIGHTS ARE FLASHING, KARI. 


Then in March, after a long phone conversation with Dani, she said, “I think you need to have a date that you are going to just put this blog out to the world (or to my *small* social media following).” 


Dani was coming to visit me in May, so I suggested that when she was here with me I WAS FINALLY GOING TO SHARE MY BLOG with others.


So here it is, world! 


I did it. God’s patience with me is nothing short of miraculous. God’s grace is written all over this blog, in each post. I have fluffy fun stuff- God’s grace. I have deep, personal stuff- God’s grace. I have scrapbook style posts, just documenting my life right now- God’s grace.


I have no idea where this blog will take me, and I am okay with that. I just want to share my joy with you. 


Jesus is my ultimate joy- YOU are precious to Jesus.


 I hope when you read my blog that you get a dose of joy and even inspiration to share your joy with others.


Thank you for reading. 



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2 thoughts on “Introducing Kari Miller Blog!”

    1. Thank you, Nikki! I wish I could say it was super easy for me to put this blog out there… So thankful how patient the Lord has been with me.

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