IF: Intermittent Fasting

I am going to try intermittent fasting.

I tried 75 Hard back in January. It lasted about 21 days. You can read about why I tried it, my journey through week 1, week 2, and week 3, and why I quit here.

But that is all in the past. Let’s get into IF.

What is intermittent fasting?

According to this Mayo Clinic article, Intermittent fasting means that you don’t eat for a period of time each day or week. There are several versions of intermittent fasting.

  • Alternate-day fasting. Eat a normal diet one day and either completely fast or have one small meal (less than 500 calories) the next day.

  • 5:2 fasting. Eat a normal diet five days a week and fast two days a week.

  • Daily time-restricted fasting. Eat normally but only within an eight-hour window each day. For example, skip breakfast but eat lunch around noon and dinner by 8 p.m.

Of these three options, I am choosing the third option, Daily time-restricted fasting.

Why do intermitten fasting?

Personal/Practical Reasons

  1. Me not having to eat breakfast simply simplifies my mornings. It is one less thing I have to do before getting out the door.

  2. Less meals to prepare. I don’t eat what the kids eat for breakfast. So this will be one less meal I have to plan, prepare, and clean up.

  3. Makes lunch the new breakfast. I love breakfast foods and I struggle to know what to eat for lunch. So- now I will just eat my breakfast foods at lunch time.

  4. My brother is a success story. My brother has done IF for years. He only eats dinner. He is in phenomenal shape and has sustained his health for years.

Health Reasons

  1. IF is said to help with inflammation. As I get older, I find that my back aches, my neck is stiff, soreness from workouts is lasting longer. I am hopeful that IF can help alleviate some of these aches and pains.

  2. Hormonal Curiosity- I was “diagnosed” with PMDD a couple of years ago. I have tried supplements to help lessen the symptoms but I don’t feel like huge improvements have happened. So I am curious to see if IF will help with my PMDD symptoms. I am aware that it could have a negative effect- I will cross that bridge if it happens.

  3. Biblical Reasons- fasting is found in the bible. Jesus fasted. Moses fasted. Jews fasted. Etc. Fasting is a way to lean into your faith and reliance on God. God is our strength. I want to lean into this during my fasting window. When hunger or temptation comes, I want my faith to stand firm. I want to rely on God, through prayer, to sustain me and strengthen me.

What will intermitten fasting look like for me?

My eating window will be from noon- 7:00pm

17:7 method

 (17 hr. fasting window +7 hr eating window = 24 hrs)

The biggest change, besides skipping breakfast, will be my morning coffee that I love. I will still have coffee, but it will be black. I do plan on have a little cold brew with some creamer during the afternoons some days. 

I also plan on breaking my fast every day with a GREEN drink. I am using the Clean Simple Eats brand. 

Then, after I eat dinner, I will not eat again until noon the next day.

How long will I do intermitten fasting?

My goal is to give it 12 weeks. That will be three cycles for me, to see if my hormones are better. I think 12 weeks also gives my digestive system to adjust and hopefully improve. I am hoping I will *see* a change in my body composition in these 12 weeks too.

So 12 weeks will put us at the beginning of December. That seems like a long time from now, but also just around the corner.

Please say a prayer for me, encourage me, and come back to the blog for updates on my IF journey. 

Thanks for coming to the blog- your support is so appreciated.

Here’s to wellness!

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2 thoughts on “IF: Intermittent Fasting”

  1. Dad and I have been doing this almost two weeks now. Neither one of us looks like Austin yet! Darn! We’re also trying to eat more protein.

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