Happy Thanksgiving: Bible Verses on Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am praying for each of you reading my blog, that you have a blessed Thanksgiving. I pray you all stay safe, spend time with ones you love, and hopefully eat yummy food.

Giving thanks is important to God. Today I am sharing some bible verses that talk about gratitude. If the bible is telling us to be grateful, then we need to pay attention and put gratitude into action. And what better day to start than Thanksgiving!

God’s will for you? His will for YOU is to give thanks in ALL circumstances. If you are unfamiliar with God’s will, it is where you want to be, read Jeremiah 29:11.

Peace and gratitude go together like PB & J. If you feel unsettled internally, give gratitude a try.

EVERY. Not most, not some, but EVERY good and perfect gift is from above. That means if you have anything good in your life, you have your heavenly father to thank for that.

The difference between winning and losing is Jesus. Believing and following Jesus leads to certain victory. You don’t have to pay for it, you don’t have to earn it. And for that I am so thankful.


Unshakable. I love that word and adjective to describe God’s kingdom. In a world where it is getting harder (close to impossible) to know what is fact and true. I am so thankful that God and His word is always true and unchanging. It doesn’t bend to the culture of this world.

If you are breathing right now, God has blessed you with this day. God has seen you through hard times. More hard times are on the horizon, but God will make a way again. Know that, give Him thanks for what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do. Just share your troubled heart with him.

Have you seen the wonderful deeds and gifts God has created for us? Have you seen the sparkle in your child’s eyes? Have you stood at the shore of a mighty ocean? Have you seen a sunset after a storm rolled through? Those are God’s mighty deeds, thank you, Lord!

God’s compassion– He knows our hearts and feelings are pains and  joys- without fail.

God’s mercy and love is new every morning. His mercies are never ending.

God’s faithfulness– God LOVES you. He is just and heartbroken by our lack of faithfulness to him. Yet, his desire for us to start new and lean on him never ceases.

Happy Thanksgiving, all of you! I am thankful for this space that God has helped me grow and share. I am still trying to figure out what to share, how much to share, and I know sometimes I get it wrong. I never want to forget that I started this blog to share about Jesus. My life is incredible, but it is far from perfect because I am far from perfect. I hope you know that I am in desperate need of a savior. I don’t ever want to come across as if I have everything figured out or the way I live my life is the best. The song Safe and Sound is a beautifully written song about why I feel so content in my life. Give it a listen.

I am thanking God for all of you who read and share this blog. Your support helps me to continue. 

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2 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving: Bible Verses on Gratitude”

  1. I enjoyed the posts you shared at the linkup. Even though Thanksgiving has past, this post is a great reminder to continue to be thankful for all God has given and has done. May this season in which we see ads for more things not grab hold of us and create a dissatisfaction in us. May you and your family be blessed as you wait for our Lord in expectation of His coming.

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