Today is May 1st! Happy May Day!
In honor of May Day being a rhyming pair. The blog post today will be all my favorite sayings that I say that also rhyme or are just goofy. Some I am sure you have heard or used, but you may learn some new cool things to say with your kids, like sups cool!
Today is silly willy, so get ready Freddy!
“Buckle up, buttercup!”
This is so much nicer than screaming at my kids to get their seatbelt on- which I do often.
“Bye Bye, Butterfly”
“See Ya Soon, Baboon”
“Too Da Lu, Kangaroo”
“Later, Gator”
“In a while, Crocodile”
“Adios, Amigos”
Okay, okay, you get it. I am a complete dork.
I don’t think Madley knows that most people call them shoes, because in our house they are shoebobs!
“Ruby Rubes”
Madley and I are big baby talkers when interacting with Ruby. It is the next level.
“Cutie Patootie”
I am a mom, and when I see my kids I just can’t help myself! Benny loves it and is never embarrassed.
“Sugar Boogs”
Madley responds to this name just like she does for “Mads” or “Grace”.
“Sups Wigs”
This means someone has a super wiggly tooth that is about to come out.
This is code that Martin and I use that stands for EARLY BEDTIME.
I think this is a good enough list, I know I could probably come up with a bunch more. Don’t forget that your kids are only young for a short time. Make life silly and lighthearted when you can.
Today is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
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