GMWK: Early Mornings

Good <early> Morning, friends!

Today I wanted to share a huge, big, major source of joy for me…. My early mornings. If you love to wake up early, you’ll love reading about my mornings. If you hate waking up early, you may just want to skip this blog post today. HOWEVER, the person I am really writing this post for is the woman that has always been intrigued about waking up early and being productive before the rest of the world is awake. I hope that today’s post will inspire you to give it a shot!

I love waking up early. The feeling of accomplishment and peace that comes with it far surpasses the extra hour or two of sleep.

My current wake up time is 4:45am. I know, that may be the middle of the night for some, but this has been the sweet spot for me.

I’ll start by giving you estimated time stamps of what I do from 4:45-7:30 every single day.


I will post the day’s blog post on social media, brush teeth, take progress pics (75 hard), and get dressed in workout clothes.


I will read my bible reading for the day (according to the Bible Recap), read the verse of the day, take notes in my journal, write in my prayer journal, and read my 10 pages of a non-fiction book (75 Hard).

I also drink my pre-workout and creatine during this time (16 oz).


Workout- you already know I am doing my strength training program currently (M-F). I am also doing the cold plunge at the end of this workout.


Kids wake up.


I get ready for the day, if I am working that day. If I am not working, I will just put on dry clothes and help get the kids ready.


This is the busy time. Make breakfast for everyone, prepare lunches, snacks, waters, and make sure teeth are brushed and hair is did.


Out the door and off to school!

I feel like I’ve lived an entire day by 8:00 every morning. The mornings that I have chosen to sleep in are ROUGH on my mentality. I usually spend the entire day with a chip on my shoulder, just annoyed under the surface that I didn’t get up. The extra sleep is usually never worth it, in my case.

If I were just starting to wake up early, I would start small. Pick one thing to wake up early for. Make it something attractive to you, you’ll be more likely to get up. I LOVE reading my bible and working out, so waking up early is fun and delightful for me. I also know that if I choose to sleep, I wouldn’t be able to do those things that I love. Does that make sense?

Well- I hope you enjoyed reading about my early mornings. I’d love to hear when you wake up- share in the comments!!


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