GMWK: Confident Daughters

Today I want to share all about how to cultivate confidence in girls! Whether you have a daughter, daughter-in-law,niece, granddaughter, or just girls in your life, I want to equip you with ways you can empower them to feel confident in who God created them to be.

After having my two boys, my daughter rocked our world. Girls are just different from boys. Madley receives love very differently than her brothers. Martin and I find ourselves needing to be much more intentional in how we talk and use our body language when interacting with her. 

So, today, we are going to GET MERRY WITH KARI by workshopping six different ways to cultivate confident daughters.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

-Proverbs 22:6

#1 Your Self Talk Matters

Yep, the way you speak to yourself matters. Girls hear when you say negative things about yourself. They also hear when you say a kind and gracious thought to yourself about yourself. Many of us (ME!) need to work on ourselves and our thoughts. Check out my Monday Motivation #13 if you need a place to start.

#2 Explain Why 

I think knowledge is power. When young kids/teens understand your why for certain “rules” it is much more beneficial than just knowing they aren’t allowed to do something. Empower them with knowledge to know why they should or shouldn’t do something. That knowledge will lead to wisdom, which will lead to making better, healthier choices. Don’t skimp and just use the words, “because I said so.” 

#3 Teach Her to Set Boundaries

Instead of teaching our girls to always do what they are told, let’s teach them how to have healthy boundaries. 

For example…

-When we get tired, how can we rest?

-When we get something said to us that is inappropriate or makes us uncomfortable, who can we go to? Is it okay to walk away?

-Teaching them how to recognize friends that protect our happiness compared to friends that try to steal our happiness.

-How to be respectful instead of nice.

-Teach her what the bible says about boundaries, not what the world says.

#4 Sports/Activity Involvement

Sports are such a tangible way to show girls how hard work yields results. It is also a great opportunity to learn how to be a reliable part of a unit. Sports also teach us it’s not only okay to fail, it is necessary in life. Failing means you tried something and you learned from it. 

#5 Make Time to Feel Beautiful

What makes your girl feel beautiful? Is it curling her hair? Is it a manicure at home? Is it being able to pick out her own outfit? Is it twinning with mom? You know your girl best. Schedule time to do those things. Life is such a rush- schedule time to curl the hair, paint the nails, where the dress, etc. 

#6 Pray Aloud for her

Make praying a part of your nighttime or morning routine. Let her hear you praying to our God about her and for her. Let her hear how thankful you are for her. Let her hear how you are giving God her fears and insecurities. Let her hear you apologize for how you parented that day. Let her hear you trust God.. Let her hear. Let her hear. Let her hear. 

My Prayer

Thank you, God, for girls! I love my girl so much! Her light is so bright, and I want to do everything in my power as her mommy, to protect her light, and make it grow and grow to be more like your light. Keep guiding me, Lord!

Now put on some Shania Twain and go raise the next generation of girls to know their worth and beauty.

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