Friday Favorites: March 7, 2025

Happy 1st Friday of March! The month that spring arrives, so much to look forward to! However, today, we are talking about our favorites from the past week or two.

Hope y’all have a wonderful Friday and weekend!

You guys know the Miller family is obsessed with Forrest Frank’s music. And Forrest Frank came out with a new single last week with Thomas Rhett. It is so catchy, uplifting, and fun! You have to give it a listen! You can listen to NOTHING ELSE here!

Let’s all read this verse again, but slowly. For the LORD your God will be with you. God is saying to be strong, to be courageous because God promises to be with us wherever we go.

Life is so uncertain for so many right now. It is impossible to not be afraid or discouraged. Thank GOD that He promises to be with us. His presence is your strength and courage. You can and will do hard things, go through hard things, unable to find answers, live in limbo with a job or relationship. Meditate on this verse. Whatever you are facing, take comfort in knowing the God who created you, the ones around you, and knows exactly how your story goes, is with you. 

This week’s favorite picture goes to the newest member of the Miller fam, cousin AJ! Love this sweet thing so much, just pure perfection.

Baker recently played in his end of season tourney. His team made it to the semi-finals to face a team they lost really badly to earlier in the season. Our goal was to just play them better than last. Y’all, our boys came out fearless. We got a great look at a last second shot to win. We missed, it was heartbreaking. Baker was in tears, silent tears, all the way home. This kid cares. He loves his teammates and coaches. He wanted to win for them. I know it is just 8 years old basketball, but sports can prepare you for life. It’s okay to care a lot. It’s okay to be a part of something bigger than yourself. It’s okay to be corrected and called out. It’s okay to make mistakes when you are determined to be better next time. It’s okay to miss the game winning shot. I love basketball and everything it did for me and what it is now doing for Baker. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Baker Miller is going places, y’all. I don’t know what God has planned for him, but I am honored to have a front row seat.

This week’s favorite has to be my Life Lately that went out on Monday. It was my monthly photo dump that actually had pictures from January and February. So much goodness, even in the long winter months!

I recently walked into my bedroom where the kids were starting a youtube video together. I decided to lay down with them and this video had me hooked! You can watch it here! I am now dying to plan a trip to Disney World. Such a fun video!

Thanks for stopping by! Your support is always a favorite of mine!

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4 thoughts on “Friday Favorites: March 7, 2025”

  1. Aww! Congratulations about the new cousin! How adorable!
    Poor Baker, it sounds like he had a rough time after the game but winning and losing it part of the game and a life lesson even though it’s hard.
    Ohh! I love watching Disney YouTube videos.

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