Friday Favorites: June 30th

Favorite workouts

I have recently started Caroline Girvan’s IRON SERIES workouts. I am on day 5 of 30. I am loving it. Each week, I am doing 5 of her Iron Series workouts, each one is about 30 minutes long. Caroline is such a beast but also beyond lovely. If you are wanting to lift some weights and have dumbbells at home, check her out!

Favorite verse

The Golden rule is actually Jesus’ rule. These are red letters in the bible. One thing that hit me when I studied this verse this week was “do to others”. Jesus did not say, “Don’t do to others.” There are many times I don’t say what I am really thinking about a situation. There are times I don’t react when a person cuts me off driving. I am proud of myself when I am not reactive. But Jesus says “DO TO others.” I need to be treating others with my actions and words the way I would want to be treated or talked to. The Rule is about action- DOING.

So let’s go and do something for someone, bring joy and comfort!

Favorite Treat

Okay- These Wyler’s Authentic Italian Ices are legit. They are SO much better than the normal ice pops. Madley is crazy about them and everyone who tries one always comments about how good it is. They are so creamy and icy at the same time! TRY THEM and you’ll see!

Favorite memory

Favorite Beauty Product

My sister got me hooked on this Premium Eyelash serum by VieBeauti. I just brush this stuff on the base of my upper eyelashes every night, and in a couple weeks you will longer eyelashes! It’s like magic. 

Favorite crazy moment

My mom found my doppelganger on the internet. It is wild. If you are on instagram, check out @posterguymike. He helps people with correcting their posture and his demonstrator is my doppelganger. Here are three pictures of her. It is tripping us all up over here. It isn’t exact, but also too exact.

Side Note- @postureguymike has some great content about fixing your posture. I am a fan and will start doing some of these exercises! Plus, I can easily visualize myself doing these exercises because it looks like me doing them. 🙂

That wraps up Friday Favorites! I hope y’all have a wonderful Fourth of July weekend! We will be in Mexico, MO visiting family. You will be sure to see some pics soon!

I plan on still posting next week- so come back for Motivational Monday!

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