Back to School Teacher Gifts: Gifts they actually want!

Back to School means new teachers! As a teacher entering her 15th year of teaching, here are a few ideas on how to make the new teacher in your life feel appreciated and excited for the school year!



Goldfish Snacks– The first few weeks of school are exhausting! Teachers and students are used to snacking 24/7 during the summer. It is so nice to have some extra snacks around in case kids (or teachers) start to get tired or “hangry.” Goldfish are the most universally liked snack. 

Stickers- Stickers on water bottles are SO COOL right now. Giving the teacher 300 stickers that she can use to motivate (or bribe) her students is a home run idea!

Sticky Notes– Sticky notes are always provided for teachers through the school district, but they are always the dull yellow ones that have ZERO personality. Gift her some bright sticky notes that make writing quick reminders fun! Also- teachers use sticky notes in lessons and the kids love feeling “grown up” using them.

Lanyard– I can almost guarantee your child’s teacher is using the same lanyard that they bought for the first year of teaching, unless it broke or got lost. A brand new, pretty, lanyard would be so exciting to receive and something we, as teachers, don’t think about when we are prepping for a new school year.

Push Pins– Do I even have to explain? They are just cute and make a boring push pin fun!

Amazon Gift Card– Newsflash: TEACHERS ARE ALWAYS SPENDING THIER OWN MONEY! Just bless them financially with a gift card to help with the cost of supplies that add up throughout the school year.

Recess Whistle– Read my notes about the lanyard above, same thing for the whistle!

To-Do List Notepads– Teachers LOVE making lists! It is a phenomenon. We can write the exact same to-do list, essentially, every single school day. We are weird like that. 

Flair Pens– PLEASE! We are begging for them. We can never have enough. When I taught fourth grade, one of my most favorite students ever walked into Meet the Teacher night carrying this same pack of Flair pens with a big bow on it. I was way too excited. And now my own children’s teachers get this pack on Meet the Teacher night every single year (with a BIG bow, of course).


Please pray for your child’s teacher. Teachers are amazing and carry so many burdens each year. Please pray for their health,  wisdom, patience, understanding, and for their heart. Teachers are so important in our children’s lives. Keep us in your prayers year round and bless us with kindness and patience.

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