It’s the last Wednesday of the month, so it is time to check out WHAT’S UP with me!
With the winter blues, I have decided to listen to HAPPY music. So this has been the playlist…
High School Musical Soundtracks
Zombies Soundtracks
Basketball! We have so much basketball coming up and I LOVE it! Also, I will still be plugging away at 75 Hard. It should get interesting in how I fit everything in over the weekend, but failing isn’t an option!
My favorite post from this last month…. That’s a tough one. I have really enjoyed writing the Three Things on Thursday posts.
They are short and fun! I am thinking I may continue that series. Anyone have ideas on what the 3 things could be? I’d love some fresh ideas!
The Bachelor is back! So I am enjoying watching and then discussing with my Bach friends. Martin and I finished Big Bang Theory, so we are now back on Seinfeld for our night time routine.
I wrote down all of our baseball dates on the calendar, does that count as planning? And once you have those dates in the calendar, you quickly realize you don’t really have anything to plan because your days will be spent at the diamonds. But, I am giddy seeing my boys in their baseball uniforms and hats and sunglasses. CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!
If you missed it, my friend Kellie and I have embarked on 75 Hard.
You can read all about that here! So, if I am not working out, drinking water, or reading books I am just doing mom and wife things. Life is chugging along. School is busy, sports are ramping up, and there is always laundry or dishes to be done. I am saying all of this from a firm place of praise! I love this life that God blessed me with.
Yesterday I mentioned that I am reading the book of Romans right now. Paul is maybe my favorite author in the bible. How are his words so powerful today when he wrote them 2000 some years ago? It really shows that the bible is God breathed. Thank you, God, for Paul and his devotion to sharing the good news of Jesus.
In Romans 10, Paul says, “If you declare with your mouth, “JESUS IS LORD,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Stop what you are doing right now- if you believe what Paul says, say “JESUS IS LORD” out loud. Check your heart- do you believe Jesus was raised from the dead? Friends, if you said that out loud and your heart believes…. YOU ARE SAVED. Y’all- don’t ever forget how powerful that is.
Also, don’t ever forget, you are saved because someone shared the good news with you. Make it a mission of yours to pay it forward- share the good news of Jesus whenever you can.
I am still loving my Amazon set that I bought a few weeks ago.
I actually loved the top so much that I bought the tank top version in two different colors.
And that is what’s up! Thanks for stopping by Kari Miller Blog. I love this community.
Other What’s Up Wednesdays
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Getting all of those baseball dates in your calendar DEFINITELY counts as planning!