Motivational Monday #22: live HIS truth

…comes to the light. 

Jesus tells us himself that He is the light of the world. He also says he is the truth. In a world that continually tells us to “live our truth,” I want to challenge your thinking. I want to take that buzz phrase and switch it to “live His truth.”

I may be alone in this, but there are days when I don’t even know who I am. I struggle making simple decisions or frozen in a loop of trying to satisfy all the people around me. I don’t want to live my truth, my truth is confusing, messy, and very selfish.

What I want is less of me. I want others to see the fruits of the Spirit when they are around me. I don’t want them to see an exhausted mom, hormonal woman, or judgemental friend. I want them to see and feel love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control when they interact with me.

We have all interacted with someone that made you feel those things after being with them. Can you think of someone right now? What a gift they have given you.

Let’s stop living our truth- let’s be honest with ourselves. We are flawed people. We can’t be 100% good for an hour. We need to get out of our own rescue story. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the light of the world. 

I challenge you today to step out in faith, live in His light, and share that light with others.

Lots of love to all of you! Go shine that light!

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