Welcome to the introduction of “Gettin’ Merry with Kari.”
In these posts I will be sharing practical ways I use to find joy and contentment in life’s little and big moments.
I think most people who know me would say that I am a very positive and joyful person. I am Tami Kincaid’s daughter.
So I will be sharing little things I do and think to cultivate the positive outlook I have. I am not always perfect…obviously. However, I do think it is because I have spent years and years building this perspective of positivity that has made me who I am today. Also, having the world’s greatest examples in my mom and my older sister. That helped too. 🙂
I hope you find “Gettin’ Merry with Kari” inspirational and insightful and maybe something you can start to apply in different areas of your life.
Now… let’s get into the first installment of GMWK… friendship.
My friends and my friendships make me happy. In all honesty, when I was in high school and college I didn’t take friendships that seriously. I was dating Martin and he was all I needed. I gave all my energy to him. I still love my husband, don’t worry! He is still all I need, but with time I have realized that friendships are what make long days short, boring meetings fun, and life less lonely.
So, today I will list a few ways my friendships help me find joy and maybe shift your perspective on friendships and how to be a great one.
Friends are effortless. So much of my life is daunting because it requires so much effort. I love that my friends understand that and meet me where I am. I hope that I do the same for them.
Friends are influencers. I look up to every single one of my friends. There are so many things that I like to emulate. The workouts they do, clothes they wear, or the music they listen to. They are like real life pinterest boards of inspiration. Choose your friends carefully.
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33
Friends are second parents. My kids have so many people that love and support them. It is incredible when friends show up to a sporting event to cheer on my kids or send me pictures to show my kids. I love that my kids call my friends “Aunt”. They really are like family.
Friends are supporters. When life throws us curve balls, friends are there to hold you up. Support you from afar, take your kids for a while, or send you encouraging texts that make you laugh.
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17
Friends aren’t (ARE) family. I am fortunate to have a family that loves no matter what, it is a constant in my life and will always be. Martin’s family is the exact same. I am sorry if this is not the case for you. But when friends choose to be like family for each other, there is a bond that is understood. You are choosing to be family, and that is powerful.
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24
I hope your friends bring you joy and make you MERRY too!
Looking for deeper friendships? Try some of these ideas out…
Become fitness friends on your apple watch. Give them a word of encouragement after they finish a workout. Easy way to have consistent communication that can open doors to more.
Carpool with friends. You are already toting your kid to and from school/practice. Get with another mom and share that job. It is amazing what kind of friendships this can lead to for you and your kids.
Compliment others. Sometimes commenting on another woman’s cute bag can lead to more conversations. One time I asked what a mom did for workouts because she was so strong. That led to us doing youtube workouts together and really bonding.
Be generous. Give others your time and energy. When you have a bright light, others are attracted to you. The light you give off will be reflected back on to you.

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