The Greener Grass is Jesus.
Life as a mother is hard, really hard. I, often, feel lost in all the mundane aspects of motherhood. Laundry, dishes, meals, snacks, bedtimes, appointments, work, cleaning, sick kids, fighting kids. It is a lot and can weigh me down.
As I struggled with this, I went to scripture. I opened my bible and felt the Holy Spirit guide me to Colossians.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever you do– The caretaking, the cooking, the taxi-driving, the cleaning, your job, your fitness journey, volunteering. This verse tells us that everything single this we do is an opportunity to worship Jesus.
Work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord– If every opportunity is an opportunity to serve Jesus, the creator of the world, the one who holds my eternal inheritance, working hard can be much easier. Anytime we know the why behind something, it causes us to buy in and commit!
Not for human masters– Human masters come in all different shapes and sizes. I first think of bosses or managers at work. You may think costumers or clients. Moms may think human masters are their own children. All of these people are sinners, selfish, and imperfect. They disappoint us constantly and tire us out. But it is good news that we are not working for human masters. We are serving the Lord Jesus Christ! He is perfect, selfless, merciful, and graceful.
Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward– This is our motivation to keep working with all our heart. Our reward is in the hands of Jesus. It isn’t just a reward, it is an inheritance. The work we put it in on Earth, how well we serve Jesus- we will be rewarded for those things as our inheritance, eternal inheritance.
Lets work on our perspective. Use this piece of scripture to change your view point on your life. We need to stop making life about ourselves, stop feeling sorry for ourselves, disappointed in the ones around us. Let’s take ourselves out of the center of our universe and put Jesus in the center of it. Let’s orbit around Him. We were not created to hold that much weight, no wonder I get so tired. If Jesus is my master, my world should become about Him, His purpose for my life, His glory. When we walk through life with Jesus at the center, He never fails to bless us, comfort us, provide for us, and be present in our lives. His yolk is easy and light.
Orbiting about Jesus can only bring positive changes in our lives.
Stop trying to find greener grass somewhere in this world. Jesus is the greener grass. You don’t have to be rich, healthy, or educated to frolic on his yard. You have to be willing to put Jesus in the center.
Next steps
1. Memorize Colossians 3:23-24
2. Serve Jesus- not human masters.
If you start to feel underappreciated, frustrated about your circumstances, burnt out- ask yourself if you are serving human masters or Jesus? Am I putting myself in the center of my universe?
3. Stop and Pray
When life hits hard or you feel yourself losing sight of why we are working with all our heart- STOP your mind and body, and PRAY to Jesus to help recalibrate your life. Ask Him for help.
4. Listen to “Strong Enough” by Matthew West. Check out the LYRICS too.
My prayer for you
Dear Lord, Please wrap your arms around us. Remind us of Your power, Your will for our life, and Your desire to carry the weight of all our burdens. Lord, please sustain us to keep working, when we get discouraged or worn down. Thank you so much for the inheritance we will receive from you. Keep us steady and focused on you. Please have our lives orbit around you. Amen.

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