75 Hard: Take 2!

Here we go again…

Last year I tried doing the 75 hard challenge. Unfortunately I quit during week 4. You can read about week 1, week 2, week 3, and why I quit on the blog.

My Why

I am hopeful that I will be more successful this time around. Here is why I think I will…

1. One of my besties is doing it with me! It has been so fun to text her as we work through our first week of the challenge. We can do this, Kellie!

2. I have perspective and done research. I have taken time to reflect on what worked and didn’t work last year. I also took time to listen to podcasts, watch vlogs, and find inspiring people documenting their journey on their insta stories.

3. My why is different this time. Last year I wanted to lower my body fat percentage. This year, I want to get mentally tougher. Similar to how I felt when God was pulling my heart to start this blog, I feel God pulling me to this challenge. I feel like my mental toughness is an area God wants me to strengthen, with his help and through this challenge. I have no idea what God has on my plate for the future, but I want to be strong and courageous in my mind, body, and soul.

75 Hard Rules

Kellie and I talked about the “strict” rules of 75 Hard. We also talked about being MOM & WIFE is more important than this challenge. So we both agreed that an outdoor workout is the goal, but a second indoor workout is acceptable. Also, the week we started brought record low wind chills. We didn’t feel like getting frostbite, so indoor workouts were happening. 


My diet of choice is tracking everything I eat on My Fitness Pal with an emphasis on protein and whole foods. Is that a diet? I’m not sure, but I know when I track everything I eat, I don’t eat mindlessly and gain knowledge about what macros my foods have.


I have chosen to use my bible as my non-fiction book. Self help- I think the bible is the only self help book that actually saves your soul. However, if my daily assigned bible reading is less than 10 pages, I am reading Atomic Habits by James Clear to get to my 10 pages. I’ve enjoyed it so far.

Here goes nothing… Come back for updates as we tackle this challenge. The 75 days will get us to May, the thought of spring walks makes me emotional. This winter has been so hard for so many. Spring is coming.

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6 thoughts on “75 Hard: Take 2!”

  1. Pingback: What’s Up Wednesday: February 2025 – Kari Miller Blog

  2. Pingback: Wednesday Wellness: February 2025 Fitness Stats – Kari Miller Blog

  3. Pingback: 75 Hard: Part 2 *3 WEEK UPDATE* – Kari Miller Blog

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