3 Things on Thursday: Life Hacks

It’s time for 3 THINGS ON THURSDAY! Today I am sharing 3 life hacks that I use in my life to save me time and energy! Be prepared to get your mind blown (or maybe not and I am just really behind the times).

If you missed last week, I shared 3 Things I do EVERY day. Be sure to check that out.

Let’s get to the things!

Life Hack #1: Use 2 Razors to Shave

If you are shaving your legs with one razor, you are really missing out! Get yourself another razor and shaving your legs takes only seconds. Two razors makes shaving legs way less of a chore.

Life Hack #2: To Do List Cheat Code

When you make a to do list at home or at work, always write things on your list that you have already done that day. There is no greater motivation or inspiration than crossing that first thing off your to-do list. It makes you not only feel like you accomplished something, you feel the rush of joy and want to chase that feeling the whole day. Might I suggest, always add “Make To-Do List” on your to-do list. Then you can always cross that puppy off when you are done writing. JUST TRY IT and tell me I am wrong.

Life Hack #3: Forget Folding

This is life changing! Get a hamper for each occupied bedroom in your house. When you are taking clothes out of the dryer, have your hampers ready. As you pull things out, put those clothes into the hamper that it belongs. Then instead of folding, you just pick up that hamper, take it to the designated closet, and put those clothes up. There is no need to sort and fold the laundry. Just take the folding step out completely. BOOM.

You’re welcome for these life hacks! What do you think? Did I just improve your life or waste your time? LOL. 

Hope y’all enjoy all the extra time you’ll have after implementing these hacks. See ya tomorrow!

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2 thoughts on “3 Things on Thursday: Life Hacks”

  1. As someone with ocd, it’s hard for me not to fold our clothes! I love the thought because it certainly saves time, but what about things you don’t hang up in the closet? Those get folded don’t they because I’m so bad that towels have to be folded a certain way. I wish I wasn’t this way!

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